A downloadable game for Windows

Play as the owner of a failing moving company. Bust down doors and get as much as you can out of there before your time runs out.  But don't forget your client most important items written down on that scrunched up sticky note in your pocket.

wasd to move
shift to sprint
left click to grab an object
tab to close/open objectives 
e to end the game early(only after obtaining all objectives)
(things I would have tried to add if I didn't accidently delete my entire physics system and map [10+ hour fix])
fixed glaring bugs, title screen, proper win and lose screens, music,  more maps, hidden items with cool effects, 

Known bugs:
If an objective falls out of the truck it wipes all objective progress.

made for the spring neumont game jam

Thank you to my partner kill for the 2d art 


justkeepmovin.zip 77 MB

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